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Web ServicesWork Examples

Frequently Asked Question

How long does the process take?

Each website is different. Some can take a couple of hours while others can take a couple of weeks. We will discuss your time frame during your consultation.

How do i get a consultation?

That’s easy! Go to my calendar here.

How long have you been doing web design/where did you start?

Like many young adults my age, I started learning HTML/CSS on Myspace. I found a love of the craft there and became addicted to the rush of creating beautiful works of art out of simple codes. I have been doing this since I was 13 and I’m not going on 29. It doesn’t always seem like it’s been that long, though.

How do you make your websites?

Each one is different, depending on the client and their needs. If the client only needs one page, I’d probably do that one by scratch and just get it over with. However, a multi-page monstrous website requires a lot more work and a lot more coding, so I’d probably use WordPress to assist me.

Do you use wordpress to make your websites?

On occasion I do. I prefer to make my websites by hand but sometimes, time constraints don’t allot for that. 

Where do you get your inspiration for your websites?

I don’t. Generally, my clients design their own websites and I simply bring them to fruition. I have a questionnaire they fill out that essentially answers any and all questions that could possibly come up during the process, then, I design.

Doesn't your Questionnaire take away your creativity?

Yes and no. It allows my clients to control the outcome of the website to the fullest, which majority of them appreciate tremendously. The few who could care less, inform me early on that they want me to use my creative juices to make the website shine. Generally, they’re not disappointed.

Have you ever had a disappointed client?

Hasn’t everyone? I was raised with the mantra that you can’t please everyone. I live by that, and I work by that. I understand that as long as I try my absolute best, and put 100% of myself into my work each time, that it won’t matter if they’re disappointed because I know I did well.

Do you let your private life influence your professional?

Not at all, I am strictly professional when I am conducting business. My private life is just that: private.

Habla espanol?

Muy pequito. Yo hablo ingles muy bien. Lo siento.

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